Brand new blast truck from Dustless Blasting in Houston costs approx. 130k. I havee this truck and full system listed for 59k. the first 2yrs i have this truck, i made approx 150k, can shows tax return proof. This is a great deal for motivated person. I need to retire. This mobile sandblasting truck. 2002 Izuzu Diesel 300kmiles and runs excellent. flatbed with Tommy Liftgate. 185 air compressor. DB 500 blast pot. 125 gallon water tank with 20 gpm pneumatic water pump. Also Air water separator. All the parts and accessories needed to roll up and get job done. This is a complete and ready to go business. Call or text for more details. 210-421-9757. a great deal at $59,000.This can be run as dry blast or wet blast. made approx. 150k last year with this beast. serviced and Ready to go. Pls Email ,text, or call with questions-pics later.