Sand blasting room suitable for large work piece surface cleaning, rust removal and the adhesion between the coating effects. Sand blast room provides greater potential for improving safety and reducing operating costs when you are cleaning, finishing or surface profiling large work pieces.
It basically consists of:
• Blast Room
• Extraction unit for Blast Room
• Shot Blaster
• Ancillaries to have operational. (piping, ducting, power supply switch breakers etc)
Blast Room:
Size: 15mts*5*5ts*5mts blast room
Floor is concrete - We usually lay plate on the floor area while blasting.
The room includes pedestrian access doors, lighting system, mobile platforms for the sand-blasting of the higher parts, manual shot-blasting unit, ventilation and dust extraction system, and self-cleaning dry cartridges dust collector.
Extraction unit:
The unit is fitted with a 6000CFM double 7.5KW motors and vents through the roof (Venting to roof level is included in the price)
Contain over specified circa 35-40%, leaving the room very clean and visible during blasting.
Contact us if you are interested.
☎️ 014203000
📞 +353 87 678 8291 (Ciaran)
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